Duo Uxo

Duo Uxo Already the creative trio of Tania Krasavina, Sasha Vsesvyatskaya, Kirill Ershov - presenting the video of poem of Carlos Reyes ‘No Recuerdo’, which is dedicated to the memory of lost beloved. The poem in the video is read by 8 different women: gema calderon sayoux, florencis silva, sol andré machicao, alexandra vsevyatskaya, patricia vargas, tania krasavina, milena vasquez protsenko, tsarina krasavina. ‘No Recuerdo’ No recuerdo tus abrazos Ni tus besos en el cuello Tu cuerpo esta borroso Recuerdo el color de tus besos Recuerdo el sonido de tus pensamientos mas oscuros Que hacian eco en la profundidad de tu mirada Que al chocar con la luz de tu sonrisa Creaban la penumbra con olor a agua salada I don’t remember your hug. Nor your kiss on my neck. Your body is blurred. I remember the colour of your kiss. I remember the sound of your darkest thoughts, that echoed in the deep of your look, that when colliding with the light of your smile, created the darkness that smelled that of the salt water. They also present their live performance ‘4’ at the City Ghosts.